
Blog / Categories / Video

03 Nov

Video: Five ways to sort things

Datum: 2022-11-03 15:36

I am sure that you do not want all your digital documents and folders to be just jumbled up in ...

02 Oct

Video: Make templates for saying no

Datum: 2022-10-02 10:51

Sometimes at work, you need to say no. It can be hard - at least in the moment. Here is a tool that makes it a lot easier.

20 May

Video: How I cured my time optimism

Datum: 2022-05-20 15:53

There are of course worse disorders, but I really suffered from being constantly in a hurry, from arriving sweaty to meetings and ...

25 Apr

Make it clear what is not important in your leadership

Datum: 2022-04-25 16:28

If you have too much to do, you have to choose not to do something. But, many of my clients who are managers and who have too much to do have a hard time not prioritizing the things the people they manage ask them to do.

But, the same goes for people as for ...

24 Mar

Datum: 2022-03-24 15:57

The feeling of not having any unanswered chatmessages, unread texts or ...

18 Jan

Ms Zeigarnik and the loose ends

Datum: 2022-01-18 16:30

According to the Russian psychologist Bluma Zeigarnik in the 1920s, loose ends make us ...

11 Jan

Datum: 2022-01-11 12:12

Should you get the short tasks on your list done first or ...

04 Nov

Datum: 2021-11-04 20:01

It can be quite the hassle keeping up with all the chats we're part of nowadays. It's one thing to ...

28 Oct

Datum: 2021-10-28 17:03

Should you separate the work related tasks from the ones related to your private life or ...

12 Oct

Datum: 2021-10-12 10:04

I write quite a lot in my line of work - and I record podcasts. When I have a script to read while recording, I want that to ...

04 Oct

Datum: 2021-10-04 19:47

I am sure that you have heard that you will be able to focus more easily if ...

27 Sep

Datum: 2021-09-27 13:35

Do really every participant attend the entire meeting? Often not, apparently. Magnus, a participant at one of my seminars recently, told me about ...

22 Sep

Datum: 2021-09-22 15:56

You cannot just work, work, work, work all the time. You need breaks as well to rest and recover. The question is ...

16 Sep

Datum: 2021-09-16 12:45

Have you ever had to work very late one night and right after finally sending those last emails that have been hanging over your head a few hours past midnight the thing you least expected happens - someone responds straight away?

Use this function to ...

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