
Blog / Categories / To-do-lists

10 Oct

Make your deadlines specific

Datum: 2024-10-10 08:42

Have you ever agreed with someone that you will get back to them with something they need ”on Thursday”, only to have them call at ...

08 Oct

How to find the right email quickly

Datum: 2024-10-08 13:00

Receiving and processing emails in a manner that ensures you do not miss anything, answering at an acceptable rate, and keeping the incoming emails at a ...

07 Oct

How fast should we reply to emails?

Datum: 2024-10-07 10:22

How swift should one be in terms of responding to emails? There is no, at least not to my knowledge, objective ...

18 Sep

Decide what tool you will use for what purpose

Datum: 2024-09-18 11:35

An increasing number of the digital tools we use daily are able to perform an increasing number of functions, which almost gives us infinite possibilities… to make a mess of things! You can ...

16 Sep

Your to-do-list is a real sleeping pill

Datum: 2024-09-16 09:03

There are nights when some of us just cannot seem to fall sleep. The thoughts of everything they need to remember and have going on at work keeps spinning in their minds. They are ...

12 Sep

How to take control of the flow of chat messages

Datum: 2024-09-12 09:01

Chat-based collaboration platforms such as Microsoft Teams, Slack and others like these are being introduced as a standard means of communication to an increasing number of businesses and companies. Several of my clients recently told me ...

11 Sep

The liberating verb “begin"

Datum: 2024-09-11 14:00

Postponing things we “should” do right now and how we can just get it done - this is probably the most common theme I have written about when it comes to structuring. Through the years ...

17 Jun

Let “for now” have a clear expiration date

Datum: 2024-06-17 07:10

Technology enables us to work almost anywhere. We are less and less limited to a particular desk at a certain office to get our tasks done. But sometimes things are not ...

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