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13 Dec

Video: How to get less tired from digital meetings

Datum: 2021-12-13 16:13

Do you know these three tricks for escap­ing Zoom fatigue”?

Because, haven’t you, like I have, felt the tired­ness we eas­i­ly get from all these vir­tu­al meet­ings. If so, you’re in good com­pa­ny, because in a fresh study, 93% of the par­tic­i­pants said that they had expe­ri­enced this kind of fatigue.

In the same study, though, the researchers sug­gest­ed three sim­ple tricks we all can use to escape becom­ing so drained by all these vir­tu­al meetings.

What tricks? Let me show you.

And, tell me, what are your best tricks for this?

By the way, if you want more tips on how to cre­ate good struc­ture at work — here are many ways to get just that.