Video: This is the right time to tackle things
Datum: 2024-11-06 13:36
When is the right time to tackle difficult tasks?
A recent study gives us guidance – but ...
When is the right time to tackle difficult tasks?
A recent study gives us guidance – but ...
Your goal should not be SMART! That's outdated!
At least that's what MIT professor Donald Sull argues in ...
How do you avoid saying yes to too much?
Because, isn't it sometimes hard to know if ...
Do you know what you might risk if you respond to work emails and chats when you're off duty?
It can have quite serious consequences, actually, judging by ...
Wouldn't it be nice if someone could summarize the long emails you've received?!
It's perfectly possible to solve.
Here is a way to let an AI summarize the longest emails you get, so that you can move from email to action faster!
How do you convert printed paper text to the editable digital equivalent?
Selecting, copying, pasting text on the computer is one thing, but ...
How often should you take breaks when working?
There's debate among experts, but ...
Think less. Or rather, think 'less' when you don't have time to ...
When I gave a talk for the inspiring employee engagement platform company Winningtemp, we spoke among other things about structure and creativity.
Is it so, that...
What are your "first overboard" tasks?
You know, those tasks that ...
How bad will it be if you procrastinate something important and extensive that ...
Approximately twelve years ago, my wife Evalotta and I decided to both be off on Fridays. We wanted to ...
Does time management really work? Does it make any difference at all?
Those were some of the questions that were asked in ...
What do you do to disconnect from work when you are free?
Why? Well, ...
How quickly should you reply to email?
Well, opinions differ on that, but is there really an ...
A talk about structure in your meeting - is that really a good idea?
I mean, isn't "structure" a very boring, square and...
Have you ever been in a meeting and thought to yourself "what on Earth am I doing here"?
If so, you are in good company of ...
I am sure that you do not want all your digital documents and folders to be just jumbled up in ...
"I so regret saying yes!"
I have felt that dreadful feeling before ...
Do you know the principle "Sift out at the source"?
I first heard of that when I gave a talk at the Museum of Ethnography in Stockholm.
It can be useful for you who often get too much to do.
How? Well, let me tell you!