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25 Apr

Make it clear what is not important in your leadership

Datum: 2022-04-25 16:28

If you have too much to do, you have to choose not to do some­thing. But, many of my clients who are man­agers and who have too much to do have a hard time not pri­or­i­tiz­ing the things the peo­ple they man­age ask them to do.

Peo­ple are like emails

But, the same goes for peo­ple as for emails — they might con­tain absolute­ly any­thing — high and low, big and small. Even if a boss wants to be a good one, it is not nec­es­sar­i­ly so that every­thing con­cern­ing the employ­ees is equal­ly impor­tant or that doing these tasks or not is what deter­mines if you are a good boss or not. 

What should­n’t you spend time on?

That is why you would ben­e­fit from mak­ing it clear to your­self what you tend to spend time on that is not actu­al­ly impor­tant in your leadership.

What is not impor­tant for you?

What do you find, then? What do you con­sid­er not that impor­tant? Tell me!

Yes, pri­or­i­tiz­ing is real­ly an art­form. Here is anoth­er tip on how to pri­or­i­tize wholeheartedly.