
Blog / Categories / Meetings

19 Jun

Schedule meetings smartly!

Datum: 2013-06-19 11:39

Do you attend meetings that repeatedly exceed the set time-frame? According to the notice it is supposed to ...

03 Apr

How you know when you need more structure at work

Datum: 2013-04-03 16:23

By all means, being structured is great, but is it really something that applies to everyone? Do we really have to improve our way of working? Is being structured really an end in itself? Of course it isn’t ...

20 Mar

Keep your workload in check

Datum: 2013-03-20 10:19

If you have a tendency to agree to do too many things and are later sorry you did since you end up having too much to do, you are not alone. But not to worry ...

07 Nov

Compose your ideal week

Datum: 2012-11-07 11:00

How does your perfect week look? Probably not like those 5 days you spend every year on a sunny beach in a warm place, even if this image might spontaneously come to mind when asked such a question. But do not let this get you down, such a lifestyle can ...

31 Oct

Proceed with ease when the way forward is clear

Datum: 2012-10-31 11:00

Sometimes you might find yourself in a meeting without your laptop. In spite of that you had decided to always take notes during meetings using the computer, you now have to take notes by hand. If you, like I, prefer to always ...

03 Oct

Work where you work best

Datum: 2012-10-03 12:00

Since not all the things we need to do can be done just anywhere, it can be smart to categorize the to-do-tasks by the particular context we need to be in to be able to ...

12 Sep

Raw data will help you stop hesitating

Datum: 2012-09-12 12:00

Have you ever postponed doing something since you feared that it would be unpleasant, that you would be criticized or that something negative would happen? You actually want to do it (or rather want to have it done), but ...

13 Jun

The cure for unfocused meetings

Datum: 2012-06-13 12:00

Have you ever been the coordinator of a meeting where you had a difficult time keeping the participants on track and in line with the set agenda? What was intended to be a brief update suddenly ...

14 Mar

Find a time for meetings with ease

Datum: 2012-03-14 11:00

Some things are best done in cooperation with others. That is why we need to have meetings. In order to meet, we need to find an appropriate time when everyone is available.

But ...

18 Jan

The change project’s most treacherous word

Datum: 2012-01-18 10:15

There is a word which is sometimes deceivingly tempting to use. There we are at the management conference we have every six months to set the course for the six months to come. It is at the end of the day and we are quite drained after a full day of discussions. The word starts emerging in everyone’s mind, and before you know it, someone says it ...

22 Oct

Get more done in meetings using the “agenda”-method

Datum: 2010-10-22 11:24

Let’s say you’ve got something you want to talk about with a certain person next time you meet him. It’s not that urgent that you need to call instantly, but can wait till you meet next time. Perhaps this is someone who is difficult to reach, even by telephone.

Let’s call him Bob.

It’s easy to remember that ...

13 Oct

Ten things to agree upon

Datum: 2010-10-13 10:47

To be effective on your own as if you were isolated in your own bubble is one thing, but what about when we work together with other people, in a project or in any form of team?

As soon as we are more than one person, it is easy ...

02 Jun

Take control of everything incoming

Datum: 2010-06-02 22:48

Many of us experience chaos from time to time in our everyday life when we are flooded by a constant stream of proposals, information and messages, more or less unchecked, through too many different channels. It’s as if we are exposed to a bunch of pipelines which deliver contributions to our everyday planning.

??If we’re not to drown in piles of paper, ...

09 Apr

That's how much your meeting costs

Datum: 2010-04-09 14:50

Have you ever thought about how much a prolonged meeting really costs extra?

Now you can easily look it up, even during the meeting.

12 Feb

How Google keep their meetings efficient

Datum: 2010-02-12 09:21

Most of us spend much of our days in meetings. At the risk of generalizing, I dare say that we all have experienced meetings that we wish we had not attended and that turned out not quite what we had expected. There may be meetings where do not come to any decision, meetings that get prolonged, meetings that start late, meetings that are completely chaotic, etc.

When you want to refine the way you do something, it is a good idea to ask the pros, those that apparently manage to develop their businesses from success to success, mostly by having meetings. A while ago, BusinessWeek published an interview with Marissa Mayer, Google’s Vice President of search products, where she ...

04 Feb

Concrete meetings and high speed notes

Datum: 2010-02-04 10:47

In a normal week at work, I have got a lot of different meetings with different people. It can be project-meetings, sales-meetings, lunch meetings or other kinds of meetings.

It is important for me that all of my meetings result in some form of progression, that they are tangible, and that all parties know the purpose of the meeting. It is not necessary that we make decisions in every meeting for things to progress; some meetings’ primary purpose is to get to know each other and our respective businesses, but ...

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