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23 Apr

Turn unread newsletters into AI podcasts

Datum: 2024-04-23 12:05
A middle-aged man is running through a sunny Swedish countryside.

There are many newslet­ters I want to con­tin­ue sub­scrib­ing to, but my time han­dling email is pre­cious, so I have a hard time read­ing them all. How­ev­er, when I’m dri­ving, cycling, or on the go in oth­er ways, I have plen­ty of time to lis­ten to podcasts.

(For those who pre­fer watch­ing rather than read­ing, I made a short video of parts of this tip:)

I would have had time to listen

Imag­ine if I could lis­ten to the newslet­ters I don’t have time to read,” I thought some time ago. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, few newslet­ters also exist as pod­casts (I don’t know of any else that comes in both text and audio for­mat than my own Done!, actu­al­ly). How­ev­er, a sin­gle com­ment on LinkedIn from my speak­er col­league Daniel Karls­son gave me the idea to cre­ate an auto­mat­ic pod­cast of newslet­ters using AI.

It became a pod­cast, after all

Said and done. When I receive a newslet­ter in my email, I quick­ly skim through it, mark the sec­tions that inter­est me, and for­ward them to a spe­cif­ic email address with a sin­gle click. At the receiv­ing end, an AI reads the texts and cre­ates mp3 files from them (this is what it might sound like, for exam­ple ). When the files are saved, they appear as new episodes in the Auto­mat­ic pod­cast” that I lis­ten to in the app where I lis­ten to pod­casts. I can now lis­ten to what I didn’t want to spend time read­ing when­ev­er I want.

Does this sound like some­thing for you? You can do as I do.

Do this

I have built the solu­tion in the automa­tion ser­vice Zapi­er and use Ope­nAI’s Text-to-Speech mod­ule to con­vert text to audio. There­fore, you need a sub­scrip­tion to Zapi­er (the cheap­est one above the free ver­sion is suf­fi­cient) and a sub­scrip­tion to Ope­nAI’s API.

  1. In Zapi­er, cre­ate a new zap (i.e., a new flow of activ­i­ties trig­gered by a trigger).
  2. Let the trig­ger that starts the flow be an email (from you) com­ing to the unique email address you get when you add the app Email by Zapi­er” as a trigger.
  3. Then cre­ate the activ­i­ties you need to remove junk” from the email using the app For­mat­ter by Zapi­er”, so you only have the clean text left as much as pos­si­ble. (At the very end of this post, you will find a map of all steps I have includ­ed in the Zapi­er zap”👇🏻.)
  4. Cre­ate an activ­i­ty that takes the text and lets the app Ope­nAI, Con­vert Text to Speech” read it and spit out an mp3 file.
  5. Cre­ate an activ­i­ty that saves the mp3 file in a cloud stor­age ser­vice you use (I have cho­sen Dropbox).
  6. Cre­ate an activ­i­ty that, after the mp3 file has been saved, cre­ates a new post in the RSS feed you define in the activ­i­ty. Now, the zap is ready in Zapier.
  7. Add a new pod­cast in the app where you lis­ten to pod­casts. Where you’re prompt­ed to enter the feed” for the pod­cast, enter the address of the RSS feed you received in step 6 above.


(I know this is a some­what more advanced tip than many oth­ers I have shared over the years. But, since I have such great use of this solu­tion, I could­n’t help but tell you about it.)

A quick, read summary

If you cre­ate a sim­i­lar auto­mat­ic pod­cast of the newslet­ters you don’t have time to read, you can stay up to date on the top­ics that are impor­tant to you to a greater extent than oth­er­wise. You will be served a quick sum­ma­ry” of what’s new and you can go back to the orig­i­nal email and read more care­ful­ly if there’s some­thing you want to delve deep­er into.

How do you do it?

Have you cre­at­ed anoth­er text-to-speech solu­tion that helps you in your dai­ly life? Email me, please!

I show you more in my talk on AI

A man in a suit stands with arms outstretched against a backdrop of vibrant, exploding colors.

In my new talk "AI in your workday - Save time, gain productivity, and reduce stress", I show you many more AI applications that help me tremendously every day.

Book the talk for your next meeting now.

Yes, please, send me an offer!

This is what the flow (“zap”) in Zapi­er looks like

These are the steps that the Zapi­er flow con­sists of in my solu­tion. Maybe this image can help you cre­ate your ver­sion more easily.