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22 Apr

Podcast: Done! No. 595 - Turn unread newsletters into a podcast with AI

Datum: 2024-04-22 08:45
A middle-aged man is running through a sunny, autumnal landscape with earphones in.

How will you find time to read all the inter­est­ing newslet­ters you receive?

In this week’s episode of Done!, you’ll learn how to use AI to cre­ate a pod­cast from con­tent you don’t have time to read.

Have you cre­at­ed anoth­er text-to-speech solu­tion that helps you in your dai­ly life? Write to me and tell me about it, because I want to get even more ideas on what I can do to make my work even easier.

Do you know the two deci­sions you can make to help you bal­ance work­ing focused and being available.

Do you prefer to read instead of listening?

A sharply suited man is leaning against the railing on a boat, looking at his phone.

Done! is also available as a free newsletter to your email, if you prefer to read rather than listen (or both!).

I want to try it!