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19 Oct

Three plus one ways to start building structure

Datum: 2021-10-19 14:50

If you feel an acute need to improve on your struc­ture, you might also feel that it is hard to know where to begin.

Per­haps you want to struc­ture and orga­nize so many dif­fer­ent areas and aspects in your work that you do not know where to start. Or per­haps the sheer amount of struc­ture need­ed can appear so over­whelm­ing and daunt­ing that you feel dis­cour­aged and con­sid­er putting your ambi­tions to become more struc­tured aside.

It would be a shame if you did.

Small is not as small as you think
Even if you only make one small change or alter­ation in terms of your struc­ture at work, the effects can be quite sig­nif­i­cant since it con­cerns how you work every day, all the time, all year round.

I would like to sug­gest three pos­si­ble ven­ture-points for you who have no idea where to begin.

You could for instance:

  1. Save e‑mails some­where else than in your inbox (or wher­ev­er you look for new e‑mails, if you redi­rect incom­ing e‑mails to a par­tic­u­lar fold­er), since this will give you an emp­ty inbox from time to time.

  2. Gath­er all your to-do-tasks in a sin­gle dig­i­tal list, since this will pro­vide you with an overview of all your tasks and com­mit­ments, and you will quick­ly be able to choose which tasks you want to see and which you want to hide at the moment.

  3. Make it clear to your­self on a dai­ly basis which goals you are respon­si­ble for attain­ing in the next year, since this will pro­vide you with the oppor­tu­ni­ty to tru­ly pri­or­i­tize con­scious­ly. You will say no” or yes, but lat­er” to tasks which are not impor­tant (mean­ing, those which do not con­tribute to the real­iza­tion of your ambi­tions and goals) and you will get more time for what real­ly mat­ters to you.

  4. Or, begin by tak­ing step 1 in my 31-step struc­ture-improve­ment pro­gram which you will find in my book Super Struc­tured: How to over­come chaos and win back time”.

Where did you start?
When you began refin­ing your struc­ture, even if this was a while back, where and with what did you start? Write to me!