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19 Dec

The Isolator – when nothing else works

Datum: 2011-12-19 23:43

You might think that the prob­lems aris­ing from dis­trac­tions, dis­rup­tions, dis­turb­ing sounds and oth­er things that makes it dif­fi­cult to con­cen­trate are prod­ucts of the 21st century´s com­mu­ni­ca­tion-intense way of doing business. 

But were things real­ly calmer, slow­er and more pleas­ant back in the day?

Appar­ent­ly not.

In 1925, the pub­li­cist Hugo Gerns­back invent­ed The Iso­la­tor” – a hood which shuts out all oth­er stim­uli than the par­tic­u­lar task you wish to focus on at the moment. The down­side of the inven­tion was that in spite of shut­ting dis­tur­bances out, it did not let any oxy­gen in, a prob­lem solved by that Gerns­back incor­po­rat­ed a tube and an oxy­gen-mask into the hood.

Does it sound like some­thing you would want to use?