Let a breath of fresh air flow through your calendar
Datum: 2011-12-21 11:00

Do you use your calendar as a to-do-list?
Are you successful in estimating what you will have time for in a day or do you spend time transferring things from one day in the calendar to another?
Have you ever missed completing a task since you forgot to move it to the next week when you were not able to finish it this week?
Be careful and moderate with what you schedule in your calendar.
Less fixation – more freedom
In almost everyone’s lives things appear out of nowhere on a daily basis. E‑mails drop into the inbox, someone calls, a colleague drops by, or something else occurs which demands your attention. In moments like these, we need to be able to re-prioritize.
If you have few fixed items in the calendar, you are as free as you can get to in every point in time do what is the right thing to do right now. In a world and life which is in constant flux, you cannot predict what is to happen in each given moment in the future.
Do this
- Go through your calendar, starting with this week. Remove all notes which do not correspond with one of the following four categories:
- Meetings together with someone.
- Things you really need to get done at this particular time and therefore reserve the time you have set aside.
- A couple of hours where you have scheduled a meeting “with yourself”, as to be sure to have free time at your disposal when you can pick out assignments from your to-do-list.
- Time set aside to finally get that important, but not urgent, assignment done, which you have been postponing for all too long.
- Put the notes that were actually to-do-assignments on your to-do-list instead.
- Enjoy having some “breathing space in your calendar”. Though it is not free time, it is time that you can use for what, under your circumstances, have the highest priority at the time.
Fewer replacements and quicker bookings
If you only book meetings and time you dedicated for your own important work, then you will need to spend less time moving notes on what you have to do forward and further ahead in the calendar.
It will be easier and quicker for you to book meetings since you will find it easier to determine what is actually important, and more quickly determine when you actually have time for a new meeting and when you do not.
Finally, provided that you have a to-do-list, you will work more consistently as you have your to-do-assignments in one place (on your to-do-list) instead of in two (on the to-do-list and in the calendar), which will give you an easier overview on what you have to do. It will thoroughly help your prioritizing.
How do you do it?
What is your best trick to optimize the usage of your calendar? Do tell! Leave a comment!