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16 Mar

Thank you, Wallenius Marine!

Datum: 2023-03-16 14:21
Collage of three images. To the left: an office building in Singapore. In the middle: an enormous sail driven white transport vessel at sea. To the right: an art deco interior in brown, chrome and blue.

Heavy glob­al ship­ping by means of sail­boats — nowa­days? Yes, it’s actu­al­ly true. Ship­build­ing and ship man­age­ment com­pa­ny Wal­le­nius Marine is now devel­op­ing the Ocean­bird con­cept — a wind-pow­ered car­go ship that would reduce emis­sions by 90% com­pared to today’s ships.

Struc­ture in Sin­ga­pore and Stockholm 

In two half-days in March, I had the priv­i­lege of teach­ing a course on work­place struc­ture for the entire com­pa­ny’s staff. I met a group on site in Stock­holm and we had anoth­er group in Sin­ga­pore via Teams, in a typ­i­cal hybrid solution.

When to use chat and when to use email? 

Among oth­er things, we dis­cussed the bound­ary between chat and email. What should deter­mine when to take it in the chat” and when to take it via email”? Dif­fer­ent orga­ni­za­tions do it differently.

The par­tic­i­pants shared their ideas about this bound­ary — some of which were new to me:

👉🏻 for­mal com­mu­ni­ca­tion in email, infor­mal com­mu­ni­ca­tion in chat

👉🏻 things that should be includ­ed in (project) doc­u­men­ta­tion in email, oth­er things in chat

👉🏻 things with attach­ments in email, things with­out attach­ments in chat

👉🏻 things I could dis­cuss ver­bal­ly in chat, oth­er things in email

What about you? 

What do you do in your job? Tell me! Give me more alternatives!

And, thank you, Wal­le­nius Marine, for these two half-days. I look for­ward to meet­ing you again!

Want me to come to your organization too?

The course I held was my "Super Structured" course, which is a half or full-day course. I would happily hold it for your organization - on site or remotely, or as a hybrid course - anywhere in the world.

Send me a quote right away