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01 Jun

Thank you, Arvika Business Center!

Datum: 2023-06-01 16:03
Collage consisting of three images. Top left: a blonde woman wearing glasses and a white top, accompanied by a similarly blonde man in a light brown jacket and a pink plaid tie. Bottom left: a view of a summery street in the small town of Arvika. On the right, the man from the first image is giving a lecture in front of a colorful picture.

But, if you can’t con­trol what hap­pens dur­ing your work­day, can you real­ly get your weeks the way you want them?” was a ques­tion I enjoyed receiv­ing when I recent­ly held a course on struc­ture and mak­ing the most of your time through Arvi­ka Busi­ness Cen­ter’s initiative.

Influ­ence what you can

Yes, well, that’s the case for all of us. We can’t con­trol every­thing, but few can’t influ­ence any­thing through­out the day. We want to make the most of the hours, half-days, and short moments that we can control.

If we can eas­i­ly show our­selves what we pre­fer to ded­i­cate them to, the chances are greater that we will make the right choic­es in the moment. Then, in the long run, the days and weeks become more (although not entire­ly) as we want them to be.

And, you know, those are what life is all about.

A fifth time — soon a sixth

This was the fifth time I was invit­ed to Arvi­ka Busi­ness Cen­ter to hold a course. About 60 par­tic­i­pants from munic­i­pal­i­ties and busi­ness­es in the near­by area of Värm­land attend­ed, and we dis­cussed orga­ni­za­tion for a half-day and more.

We talked about how to keep track of every­thing we have to do, how to pri­or­i­tize cor­rect­ly, how to han­dle a con­stant flow of var­i­ous mes­sages, and much more.

In May 2024, I will be return­ing to Arvi­ka again — for the sixth time! I am already look­ing for­ward to com­ing back to this beau­ti­ful lit­tle town.

Structure in your town too?

A blonde man in a brown jacket, blue tie and navy trousers gives a talk on a stage, pointing at the word "Structure." on the screen behind him.

Of course, I would happily come to your beautiful little town too and hold a course similar to the one I gave in Arvika.

Would you like that?

Yes, please send me an offer