
Digital to-do list tools

What dig­i­tal to-do list tool I would rec­om­mend you to use, depends basi­cal­ly on your IT infra­struc­ture — such as what email appli­ca­tion you use, what kind of phone you have et c.

If you email in Out­look as an installed client on your Win­dows computer

  • I find that Out­look Tasks is a real­ly good tool for our to-do lists — espe­cial­ly if we design the views we need and get rid of all redun­dant columns.

To sync your tasks to your phone, I would suggest:

If you use Microsoft Office 365 online

If you email in Gmail, in Lotus Notes or in some web­mail service

  • Todoist is a web ser­vice with all the fea­tures that we could pos­si­bly need, and in a clean and dis­trac­tion free inter­face at that. It comes with an app for iOS as well as for Android.
  • If you want some­thing more col­or­ful, Wun­derlist(as men­tioned above), is an equiv­a­lent alternative.

If you are a Mac (OS X) user

  • Things has what we need from a to-do list tool and noth­ing more. It is sel­dom updat­ed, but on the oth­er hand it is sta­ble and trustworthy.

Oth­er alternatives

  • Trel­lo is a dig­i­tal kan­ban board that could be your new favorite tool if you pre­fer notes on a board before tasks in a list.
  • In To Round, what we have to do is visu­alised as cir­cles instead of rows and boxes.

So, what would be your choice of tool?

David Stiern­holm