
Sharper presentations with Pecha Kucha

Long, dull run-throughs. Unfo­cused meet­ings which repeat­ed­ly run over the set time-frame. End­less bul­let-point lists in Pow­er­Point. Poor­ly pre­pared pre­sen­ta­tions in which the rea­son­ing goes round in cir­cles with­out get­ting to the point.

Does this sound familiar?

Learn Pecha Kucha®, a Japan­ese for­mat for pre­sen­ta­tions, and make your meet­ings more effi­cient, sharp­er and focused. Show­ing 20 slides for 20 sec­onds each will breathe new life into yours and your col­leagues’ pre­sen­ta­tions both exter­nal­ly and internally.

Choose between:

  • Inspi­ra­tional talk, where you learn the basics of the Pecha Kucha®-format by being intro­duced to good exam­ples from around the world.
  • Half-day work­shop, where you get to cre­ate your very own sharp pre­sen­ta­tion and learn how you can imple­ment the Pecha Kucha®-format in your orga­ni­za­tion. Tem­plate-files and a get-start­ed-kit are included.

Speak­ers: Gothenburg’s Pecha Kucha® ambas­sador, Jes­per Lars­son, & the struk­tör David Stiern­holm

Send a request now.

Jes­per Lars­son is Gothenburg’s ambas­sador för Pecha Kucha® and man­ages Dou­ble Hap­pi­ness, a com­pa­ny striv­ing to cre­ate win-win sit­u­a­tions, such as Cre­ators Inn, the world’s first free hotel for creators. 

David Stiern­holm is a struk­tör. Every day he helps peo­ple and busi­ness­es become more effi­cient by cre­at­ing bet­ter order and structure.

Watch David’s pre­sen­ta­tion at the Pecha Kucha Night in Gothen­burg on August 10th 2010.

Pecha Kucha® is a reg­is­tered trade­mark, copy­right Klein Dytham archi­tec­ture in Tokyo, that cre­at­ed the for­mat and that man­ages the glob­al coor­di­na­tion of Pecha Kucha®. Jes­per Lars­son is allowed by the own­ers to use the trade­mark in the capac­i­ty of ambassador.