
Should you choose the half or the full day format of the structure seminar?

Here is the difference.

Half day

In the half day for­mat, you will get:

  • A method for how to take care of a con­stant inflow of email, chat mes­sages, noti­fi­ca­tions, phone calls, paper, cus­tomers, col­leagues and more, with­out get­ting overwhelmed
  • A solu­tion to the most fre­quent struc­tur­al mis­take we eas­i­ly make when it comes to our todo tasks.
  • A trick for get­ting start­ed eas­i­ly with tasks that you have pro­cras­ti­nat­ed for far too long
  • Ideas about how to cat­e­go­rize your todo list to make it easy to work with — even when it con­tains every­thing that you have to do
  • Use­ful sug­ges­tions of the cur­rent­ly best appli­ca­tions for keep­ing track of all your tasks
  • How to keep track of things you are wait­ing for from oth­ers (such as tasks you have delegated)
  • A method for pro­cess­ing the incom­ing emails that enables you to get an emp­ty inbox every week (and why that is prefer­able to have)
  • Two meth­ods for pri­or­i­tiz­ing among tasks, that help you decide what tasks is the right one to work on right now (and say no” to oth­er tasks with good conscience)
  • Two tools for sim­pli­fy­ing our work every day, that make it pos­si­ble for us to get things done almost automatically

Full day

If you book a full day sem­i­nar, you will get the con­tent from the half day for­mat and also:

  • A thor­ough walk­through of how to use the todo list func­tions in the Out­look client and in Office 365 and the suit­able ser­vices to choose from if you use Lotus Notes for emailing
  • Rec­om­men­da­tions for the best web ser­vice to use for todo tasks (if you use Gmail or some oth­er web based email client)
  • An overview of the cur­rent­ly best todo list apps for iPhone and Android
  • Exam­ples of tools to use for get­ting an overview of all your large tasks and projects
  • What to do to store paper doc­u­ments in a way that you will find them eas­i­ly when­ev­er you need them — and still keep your desk clean and free from paper piles
  • A prin­ci­ple for how to cre­ate a fold­er struc­ture for your dig­i­tal doc­u­ments that is order­ly over time and that is eas­i­er to explain to oth­ers (such as your colleagues)
  • An exer­cise in set­ting goals that help you pri­or­i­tize among your tasks daily
  • A review of the five most com­mon dis­trac­tions we are sub­ject­ed to and what to do about them (so that we can keep our focus on the task at hand)
  • One more tool for sim­pli­fy­ing and even some­times automat­ing some of our tasks, such as things that we oth­er­wise would write over and over
  • A hand­ful of meth­ods that help us estab­lish the new habits we want to imple­ment to improve struc­ture at work
  • Knowl­edge of what to do to get back on track if you fall of the wag­on when imple­ment­ing the new habits

The con­tent that I cov­er is based on evi­dence, of which you will find a list here.