
Follow-up after a course or a talk

Changing old habits tends to be difficult, and that is why many of my clients schedule one or several meetings during which we follow up on their progress together a few weeks after the course or the talk (and with a few weeks between each meeting if they have booked more than one follow-up session).

I then give the participants further tips and advice on how to get back on track when (and if) they have strayed from their new structure and relapsed into old habits.

At your office ...

The follow-up sessions are often done with a group of 3-4 people at a time or individually, at their respective office. During the follow-up we focus on what the participants have decided to take away from the course or talk in terms of new ideas and we talk about how they have succeeded in implementing that. Based on their individual needs, I help them improve their personal daily structure habits further.

… or at a distance

Another option is to schedule individual follow-up sessions through Teams, Zoom or your meeting platform of choice, where each and every participant gets personal help from me. We will then optimize the to-do-list, refine the e-mail settings, refine the project overview, create simple shortcuts and automatize certain tasks, or do whatever else the participant needs help with.

The more sessions, the better

Recurring follow-up meetings ensure that the coworkers who are motivated to make the necessary changes get the help and support they need to make these changes, and obtain even better results than they would on their own.