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10 Sep

The screen setting that makes you sleep better after evening work

Datum: 2024-09-10 13:02
A man wearing glasses is working late at night on his laptop, holding a cup of coffee, with city lights reflecting in the window behind him.

I am guess­ing you some­times have to work in the evening as well, just before going to bed. The day did not turn out as planned and you were dis­tract­ed by oth­er things and tasks. Still, you have to get that one task done before you can wrap up the day and go to bed.

Or, per­haps you have saved a task for the evening since you need some peace and qui­et to be able to do it prop­er­ly. When every­body else is sleep­ing, you can focus.

For you who pre­fer lis­ten­ing to read­ing, this post is also avail­able as an episode of the Done!” pod­cast:

It is the light that makes the difference

When it is time to go to bed you want to sleep well. You can increase your chances of a rest­ful night by chang­ing the set­tings for the com­put­er screen. I will­ing­ly admit that when it comes to hor­mones and body func­tions, I am only a lay­man, but stud­ies such as Figueiro et al:s The impact of light from com­put­er mon­i­tors on mela­tonin lev­els in col­lege stu­dents.” indi­cates that the blue light with short wave-length that com­put­er screens nor­mal­ly emit, sig­nif­i­cant­ly decreas­es the secre­tion of mela­tonin, which is the hor­mone that makes us tired.

This is why devel­op­ers of oper­at­ing sys­tems have cre­at­ed func­tions that reduce the blue light dur­ing the evening so that look­ing at a screen close to bed­time will not affect the qual­i­ty of our sleep as much. For the user, it looks as if the screen is turn­ing more yel­low when the sun has set, and it becomes almost orange lat­er in the evening.

Do this

If you have not yet tried one of these light-manip­u­lat­ing tools and want to see what dif­fer­ence they could make for your sleep, turn them on and try them for a cou­ple of weeks.

When you have turned them on, they run by them­selves and reg­u­late the light accord­ing to when the sun ris­es and sets, or accord­ing to what oth­er pref­er­ences you set it to.

Being tired when it is appropriate

If you adjust the light on your com­put­er screen so that it does not reduce your mela­tonin-lev­els as much when you are work­ing in the evenings, you will sleep bet­ter — if you are to trust the study I referred to. An unplanned work­ing ses­sion just before bed­time and the fact that the day did not turn out as you had planned, will not trou­ble you as much. It makes you feel a lit­tle bet­ter, doesn’t it?

What is your way?

What is your expe­ri­ence of adjust­ing the screen light? Is it a yey” och ney” for you? Let me know in an email to me!

(By the way, beware of office sleep overs!)

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A woman is relaxing in bed while reading something on her phone, with sunlight streaming through the window.

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