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23 Feb

The party is Done!

Datum: 2010-02-23 09:34

Yesterday’s the 100th edi­tion of Swedish Done!”’-party was a suc­cess. Well, of course it was, since I have so many charm­ing sub­scribers who want­ed to cel­e­brate with cof­fee and cake at my office yesterday.

As for all great par­tys, we gath­ered in the kitchen. Since it was small and we were many (near­ly 25 peo­ple), the min­gling was soon both intense and crowdy. It is such a joy for me to have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to intro­duce busi­ness friends that I am very fond of to each oth­er while being assured that they will have a fruit­ful con­ver­sa­tion together.

Thanks for com­ing, everyone!

Thank you for the gifts and flow­ers, and thanks, Anneli Eges­tam, for the nice medal! 

I got a medal!

Twit­ter friends who showed up were @rynge, @lyceum, @mikumaria, @ollebjerkas, @republicfactory, @tonstrom, @helgesan (have I missed you, leave a com­ment below, and I will add you to the list!).

(For those of you who are not famil­iar with Done!”, it is Stiern­holm Consulting’s week­ly newslet­ter with tips on struc­ture, that is pub­lished every Mon­day at 8:45 AM, in pdf- and in mp3-for­mat. Sign up for free here.)