Thank you, Cargotec!
Datum: 2022-09-22 15:33
This Tuesday, I visited Cargotec’s, the multinational crane and truck manufacturer, wellbeing week to share a handful practical tips on structure that help us keep healthy and stress free at work.
Close, yet far away
Since Cargotec has sites all over the world through their businesses Kalmar, Hiab and MacGregor, it was convenient that I could stream my talk from my office here in Gothenburg.
Generosity and engagement shrink the distance
What I especially enjoyed with giving a talk to Cargotec — apart from the warm generosity I met through the entire assignment — was that the participants so vigorously shared in the chat what tools they use themselves and gave me replys to my questions.
Feedback like that makes me feel that the distance shrinks — as if we actually met face to face, me and every participant.
I cannot blame anyone else than myself for the fact that the “tsunami” of replys from the hundreds of participants made it quite tricky to keep up the tempo and read them all. Oh, well.
A simple tool that can become advanced
I was also happy to hear that many of those I met use Google Tasks and Google Keep to keep track of what they have to do. Google Tasks is somewhat meager when it comes to features, but with a Chrome-plugin as Tasksboard for instance, it might turn into a brilliant tool — even if it first seemed overly simple. Bravo!
Thank you for inviting me, Cargotec! Good luck in your structure enhancement efforts!
Easy booking brings a great collaboration
So, what did Cargotec think? Well, here is what Hanna Björkestam, HR-Specialist, says:
“We invited David to talk about how to get super structured in a session for all our colleagues worldwide. David shared great tips and gave concrete examples of tools and ways to become more structured in your daily work. The talk was very inspirational and made you excited about trying out new ways of working. Booking the session and getting in touch with David has also been very easy, which I highly appreciate. Thank you for an excellent session and great collaboration!”
(Through the years, other clients have shared their impressions.)
A talk in your organisation?
Do you work in a multinational corporation too? Do you want to help your employees enhance their structure at work?
I would be happy to give a talk in your organisation as well - on site or from a distance.