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22 Sep

Thank you, Cargotec!

Datum: 2022-09-22 15:33
Collage consisting of two images - to the left giant cranes in a container port and to the right a man in blue jacket giving a talk before a tiny web camera.

This Tues­day, I vis­it­ed Car­gotec’s, the multi­na­tion­al crane and truck man­u­fac­tur­er, well­be­ing week to share a hand­ful prac­ti­cal tips on struc­ture that help us keep healthy and stress free at work. 

Close, yet far away

Since Car­gotec has sites all over the world through their busi­ness­es Kalmar, Hiab and Mac­Gre­gor, it was con­ve­nient that I could stream my talk from my office here in Gothenburg.

Gen­eros­i­ty and engage­ment shrink the distance

What I espe­cial­ly enjoyed with giv­ing a talk to Car­gotec — apart from the warm gen­eros­i­ty I met through the entire assign­ment — was that the par­tic­i­pants so vig­or­ous­ly shared in the chat what tools they use them­selves and gave me replys to my questions.

Feed­back like that makes me feel that the dis­tance shrinks — as if we actu­al­ly met face to face, me and every participant.

I can­not blame any­one else than myself for the fact that the tsuna­mi” of replys from the hun­dreds of par­tic­i­pants made it quite tricky to keep up the tem­po and read them all. Oh, well. 

A sim­ple tool that can become advanced

I was also hap­py to hear that many of those I met use Google Tasks and Google Keep to keep track of what they have to do. Google Tasks is some­what mea­ger when it comes to fea­tures, but with a Chrome-plu­g­in as Tasks­board for instance, it might turn into a bril­liant tool — even if it first seemed over­ly sim­ple. Bravo!

Thank you for invit­ing me, Car­gotec! Good luck in your struc­ture enhance­ment efforts!

Easy book­ing brings a great collaboration

So, what did Car­gotec think? Well, here is what Han­na Björkestam, HR-Spe­cial­ist, says:

We invit­ed David to talk about how to get super struc­tured in a ses­sion for all our col­leagues world­wide. David shared great tips and gave con­crete exam­ples of tools and ways to become more struc­tured in your dai­ly work. The talk was very inspi­ra­tional and made you excit­ed about try­ing out new ways of work­ing. Book­ing the ses­sion and get­ting in touch with David has also been very easy, which I high­ly appre­ci­ate. Thank you for an excel­lent ses­sion and great collaboration!”

(Through the years, oth­er clients have shared their impres­sions.)

A talk in your organisation?

Do you work in a multinational corporation too? Do you want to help your employees enhance their structure at work?

I would be happy to give a talk in your organisation as well - on site or from a distance.

Yes, tell me more