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11 Sep

Podcast: Done! No. 566 - Seven steps to get a handle on all notifications in Teams

Datum: 2023-09-11 08:45
Close up of a hand that is about to ring a reception bell on a reception disk at a hotel.

What if you work in Microsoft Teams and the con­stant noti­fi­ca­tions dis­tract you — all the time? Then, you are in good com­pa­ny of many I meet.

In this the 566th edi­tion of Done!, I share my rec­om­mend­ed set­tings for the noti­fi­ca­tions in Teams.

Have I for­got­ten any set­ting in Teams that you think I should have includ­ed? Write to me and let me know. I’m all ears and want to learn even more about how we each can trim our work tools to fit us perfectly.

Get to the core of any issue with my Five whys”-template, that I men­tion in the begin­ning of the episode!

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Middle aged grey haired man in a white t-shirt reads on a laptop that stands on a kitchen counter. In his right hand: a green coffee mug.

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