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09 Jan

Podcast: Done! No. 541 - Time management makes you happier rather than more efficient

Datum: 2023-01-09 08:45
In a light blue space, a hand drops a wooden cube displaying a sad face and a happy face.

The pur­pose of time man­age­ment, is it to just get more things done in short­er time and get increas­ing­ly efficient?

No, of course not. In this episode, the 541:st, I share find­ings from an inter­est­ing study that points to oth­er, even more valu­able, ben­e­fits from man­ag­ing your time well.

What will you choose to refine in the near future? Please tell me, because I may want to make an effort in that area myself after being remind­ed of it by you, and I might even be able to con­tribute to your ini­tia­tive with tricks, tools, and tips that I have accu­mu­lat­ed over the years. 

Won­der­ing about what the counter ques­tion that makes your meet­ings more effi­cient is, that I men­tion in the begin­ning of the episode? I’ll tell you.

I could have mailed you this!

A dark-haired girl sits at a desk, holding her smartphone in her right hand. Above the phone, an email icon hangs.

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I want to try it!