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21 Nov

Podcast: Done! No. 536 - How to show your family if you are available or not

Datum: 2022-11-21 08:45
Brown haired man in black rimmed glasses drinking coffee wearing a light blue t-shirt while his young son sits on his shoulders.

Did you try the app and how did it suit you? If you came up with a dif­fer­ent sig­nal, what was it? Write to me and tell me, because I col­lect clever tricks, as you know. How­ev­er, I don’t just keep them for myself, but love shar­ing them freely with those who are inter­est­ed since the more of us who work in a struc­tured way, the eas­i­er and bet­ter all our lives will be.

In the begin­ning of the episode, I men­tion five ways to sort your dig­i­tal fold­ers.

White mailbox of the American kind on a red stand by a suburban street.

Done! is also available as a free newsletter to your email, if you prefer to read rather than listen (or both!).

I want to try it!