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25 Apr

Podcast: Done! No. 515 - Differentiate between "store" and "do"

Datum: 2022-04-25 08:45

Stor­ing” and doing” are not the same thing. Still, con­fus­ing them often leads to a very com­mon struc­tur­al mis­take I see many of my clients make.

In this episode, the 515th, I share how to dif­fer­en­ti­ate between stor­ing” and doing” and what you will gain by doing so.

If you are being hon­est, is your overview also a jum­bled mess of both ref­er­ence mate­ri­als and tasks? If this used to be the case but is no longer so, how did you solve the prob­lem? Write to me and tell me. 

(Yes, words do mat­ter. Here, you will find a tip about four words do beware of when writ­ing your to-do list.)

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