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11 Apr

Podcast: Done! No. 514 - Lower your ambitions when you are running out of time

Datum: 2022-04-11 08:45

Some­times there is just not enough time. You have a dead­line fast approach­ing, but what you need to do takes longer than you had antic­i­pat­ed — much longer.

What do you do — and could you do — when you are run­ning out of time?

In this 514 th episode, I share a mod­el that has helped me plen­ty of times to feel less stressed and more in con­trol on such occasions.

And, if you want to, you can even down­load the sim­ple mod­el for free. You will find it at here.

Do you have your own method to han­dle the mad­ness that can some­times grab hold of us when try­ing to meet a dead­line and find­ing our­selves with too much to do before it is upon us?

Please write to me and share your thoughts — I am sure you know that I am always on the look­out for tips, tricks, and meth­ods that sim­pli­fy our lives and structure. 

Done! is also avail­able as a newslet­ter to your email. If you pre­fer to read rather than lis­ten (or both!), sub­scribe to the week­ly email for free.