Never a missed deadline ever again!
Datum: 2010-12-15 10:46

Does your agenda have a tendency to quickly fill up with meetings?
Do you tend to schedule too many meetings during the day and perhaps even have colleagues who “help you out” by calling you to meetings when they know you are not due somewhere else?
Does this result in that you do not have time left over to do all the other things which need to be done and you end up working late nights to catch up?
Schedule time for to-do-tasks
Make sure to also reserve time in your agenda for the tasks which really need to be completed before a certain due date.
If you don’t, meetings automatically get the highest priority since both you and others set time off for them; time which is seemingly free, but which actually simply is undefined. But, don’t schedule all your time and don’t portion out all the to-do-tasks in the agenda, only those which have a due date.
Do this
- In your weekly run-through (that is the time you set aside each week to go through your vision, to-do-list, waiting-for-list, ongoing projects et c), highlight and skim through the to-do-tasks which have a deadline in the next couple of months.
- Set aside time in your agenda for those tasks which have a deadline you really need to stick to.
- If you have a tendency to be an exaggerated optimist, give yourself some extra time to work with, that is
- set aside an additional 50% of more time than you think you will need, and
- schedule the task to be completed a few days ahead of its actual deadline.
Focus on the urgent without stress
If you do this kind of time management, you can work on all the other more urgent tasks today, safely knowing that you will have time to do those which are due in a while – well ahead of their deadlines.
How do you do it?
How do you make sure to hold deadlines without working over-time too much?
Comment below and share your magic recipe.