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21 Aug

This was my summer

Datum: 2022-08-21 20:20
Sea view of three houses on stilts in Cape Porpoise, Maine

In a small vil­la of 120 square meters there is always anoth­er cup­board. That is not true, but that is what it felt like for me dur­ing all those days dur­ing this sum­mer when I have strug­gled with emp­ty­ing our sold parental home togeth­er with my broth­er. It took much longer than I had expect­ed, so that is one of the things that have char­ac­ter­ized this summer.

Among all the things to take care of after the fifty years that the house has been in our fam­i­ly’s pos­ses­sion, I found a gad­get I made as a kid that gave us a hint of my future pro­fes­sion, I guess:

Round, wooden sign with three areas representing "Enter", "Knock" and "Do not disturb".

A clear way to sig­nal to one’s fam­i­ly mem­bers (or col­leagues) whether they are wel­come to enter one’s room! 

Trans­la­tion from Swedish:

  • Kom in” -> Enter”
  • Knac­ka” -> Knock”
  • Stör ej” -> Do not disturb”
A young girl sits on a cliff by the sea, watching someone stand up paddling.

Hot, sun­ny days on a cliff as well

Of course, our fam­i­ly got many sun­ny days on the sea here on the west coast as well, just like any sum­mer. When we spend an entire day on a cliff on an islet many days in a row, time stands still. Rather than dis­tinct days, it feels like a state”, a mode”, con­tin­u­ing unmea­sur­ably long, a going out on the sea” bub­ble to enter and exit.

This year, we fell (!) for stand up pad­dling, which is a new hob­by for us. It is fun, some­what tricky and makes us feel free!

Collage of three photos from New England. A bandstand, a white house, a street in Boston.

A trip to New England

But, our sum­mer began with a trip to New Eng­land for a few weeks. We were curi­ous to see that part of the USA, since on the north­ern part of the east coast, we have only vis­it­ed NYC as such. What does it look like out­side of the city?

Well, immense­ly beau­ti­ful and pleas­ant in every way, we dis­cov­ered. We enjoyed the coastal part of Con­necti­cut and the region east of Hud­son Riv­er north of NYC the best (in New York state), but also had a look at New Jer­sey, Mass­a­chu­setts, New Hamp­shire and Maine.

A green, wooden panelled house by a street in Rockport, Massachusetts.

There are so many things I could tell you about this trip, but above all, I found it immense­ly enjoy­able to see all the beau­ti­ful wood­en pan­elled hous­es — every­where. Hor­i­zon­tal wood­en pan­el is the best pan­el, if you ask me.

And, hot pret­zels are also amazing!

A very nice summer!

Of course we did many more things dur­ing this long sum­mer vaca­tion, but these three themes char­ac­ter­ized it the most, I think.

An enjoy­able sum­mer, indeed! And now, the autumn sea­son is here!