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09 Apr

That's how much your meeting costs

Datum: 2010-04-09 14:50

Have you ever thought about how much a pro­longed meet­ing real­ly costs extra?

Now you can eas­i­ly look it up, even dur­ing the meeting.

Amer­i­can Toby Tripp has put togeth­er the Meet­ing tick­er,” a sim­ple yet effec­tive counter that dis­plays how much your meet­ing costs in time and money.

Here’s how it works

  1. Go to the meet­ing tick­er: http://​tobytripp​.github​.com/​m​e​e​t​i​n​g​-​t​i​cker/
  2. Enter the num­ber of atten­dees in the meet­ing, the aver­age hourly rate per per­son (salary cost per hour, price per hour + salary cost, etc), and when the meet­ing started.
  3. Click Start”.
  4. Watch the mon­ey trick­le away.

Tongue in cheek, isn’t this an effec­tive way to short­en those meet­ings that far too often is stretched out in length?

How do you do to keep your meet­ings effective?

Please leave a com­ment below!