Rules and filters make the heavy email-load lighter
Datum: 2024-01-17 11:40

I often ask the audience at my lectures if they receive a lot of emails and I virtually always get a loud ”Yes!” shouted back at me, accompanied by sighs and various exclamations of fatigue.
When we later touch on how many emails ”a lot” actually constitutes, it can range from ”twenty per day” to ”over a hundred”. But, regardless of the actual number that each individual experiences as overwhelming, most find it challenging to deal with and process this continuous stream of incoming correspondence.
For you who prefer listening to reading, this post is also available as an episode of the “Done!” podcast:
Small effort, great effect
No matter our situation, there is at least one thing we can do to lighten the load and make processing all these emails easier. It may be small, but that is alright because when it comes to structure the smallest thing can have a great effect since the change we make concerns how we work throughout our entire workday, and hence influences us more than we might think.
Help is close at hand
The one who receives a lot of emails can be assisted in processing many of them, at least partly, by using rules or filters (the function has different names in different email clients). When activating a rule, the email tool will screen the incoming emails and do at least a small part of the work for us.
You can, for instance, ask the emailing program to do the following automatically:
- send all emails of a certain kind to a particular folder
- delete the emails you are not interested in, but which come from an address that also sends emails you really want to receive
- change the color of the text in the subject line if the email concerns a specific topic
- signal with a ”ping” and a desktop notification if you get an email containing a particular word — even if you have turned off the general notifications signaling new emails
- label the email with a specific label if it comes from a particular person
- respond automatically with a certain text when the subject line contains a particular phrase
- … and more
What you can be helped with depends on what emailing program you use.
Do this
If you have not used rules or filters for your emails before, have a go and try it. It is easy to set up and use. This is how to do it in:
If you are unsure of what you could create rules for, try thinking of something you want the email program to do with the emails you receive from me — or perhaps from one of your colleagues.
If you are already an avid user of rules and filters, you could take another look at the function again since there are new aspects and features added all the time and perhaps your particular tool has added something new you are yet unaware of.
Finish processing emails faster
If you set rules and filters for your emailing tool it will ease some of the load emails burden you with daily. Perhaps the change will not be great for some, but if you receive a great number of emails the relief will be quite noticeable and this trick will do you a lot of good.
What is your trick?
What rules and filters do you use to make processing emails easier? Share your best practices with me, please!
(But, what are you to do about the inbox if it’s full already now, when you just got back from your Christmas break?)
There's more!
If you want more tips on how to create good structure at work, there are many ways to get that from me - in podcasts, videos, books, talks and other formats.