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02 Sep

Podcast: Done! No. 606 - This is why you should choose how you get interrupted

Datum: 2024-09-02 08:45
A blonde woman is smiling while working on her laptop in a bright office space with two other colleagues.

Being inter­rupt­ed at work hap­pens to every­one, but what kind of dis­trac­tions harm you most?

In this week’s episode of Done!, you will learn about a recent study whose results help you suf­fer less from interruptions.

Here, you’ll find the study I men­tion in the episode.

How do you pre­fer to receive help ques­tions from your col­leagues? I would love to hear how you and oth­er read­ers expe­ri­ence it, so email me and tell me.

Here’s how to escape being dis­tract­ed by out­dat­ed documents!

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A woman in a business suit is smiling while working on her laptop in a modern conference room.

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