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08 Jan

Podcast: Done! No. 581 - Find meeting times painlessly in the new Outlook

Datum: 2024-01-08 08:45
A person in a yellow shirt is using a laptop displaying a screen with various productivity tool icons such as a scheduling poll and editor access.

Wel­come to a new year and the first episode of Done! for the sea­son (and the 581:st since the start)!

Today, Done! is about a new fea­ture in Out­look that I think every­one should try.

In the episode, I men­tion that you can cre­ate your own meet­ing time poll in Google Forms and Doo­dle. And, of course, the sched­ul­ing poll fea­ture in Out­look that the episode is about.

Have you tried the sched­ul­ing poll? What did you think? Write to me and tell me. I want to know.

By the way, now, at the begin­ning of the year — is there any­thing you hope I will share tips on in Done!? Tell me, and the chances of it hap­pen­ing increase!

What would you like to learn about using AI prac­ti­cal­ly in your work? Tell me, I’m curi­ous to hear your thoughts!

Would you prefer to read my tips instead? You can!

A girl in a summer dress opens a letter she has just picked from an old letterbox in front of a early century bungalow in Pasadena. It's morning and the sun shines. On the letterbox sits two small birds, chirping.

Done! is also available as a free newsletter to your email, if you prefer to read rather than listen (or both!).

I want to try it!