How to make your business make sweet music
Datum: 2009-10-07 11:51

We can be very efficient as individuals, but to be successful in making the company evolve into what we want it to become, we need to connect our structured and productive working habits with the overall structure of the company.
This structure can be expressed in terms of the analysis of the present state of the leading processes, our business concept, the vision, strategies, plans of action, goals, processes and results.
In a business it is easy to isolate each of these parts and work on them separately as individual entities. In actuality, they need to be firmly connected to each other and worked on as a whole. Used properly, these tools become the powerful means to give your business the desired direction in a smooth, organized and systematic manner.
Since a few years back, I work with a model which I call “Euphony”, which is Greek for harmony or musical and melodic accordance. Just like the musicians of a symphony orchestra need to play in a common key, in the same tempo and adapt to each other in order to make beautifully balanced music, we need to coordinate our work so that what we are determined to accomplish in the long term (that being primarily the vision and the strategies) clearly corresponds with how we work in a short term perspective (meaning how we handle our goals and plans of action), as well as how we function in our everyday operative processes.
When big and small, short term and long term, the comprehensive and the more detailed perspective connect and correspond to each other coherently, we will hear sweet music emerging from our business. Our business is in harmonic resonance with itself.
Here are examples of five conceptual relationships which need to be in resonance with each other.
Analysis of the Present versus the Plan of Action
When analyzing the current situation and its circumstances, we identify the strengths and weaknesses of the company as well as the possible threats and opportunities within the market we are operating in.
Do we have sufficient courses of action to empower and capacitate the weaknesses we identified? For what anticipated threats have we created counteractive and preventive courses of action?
Analysis of the Present versus the Business Concept
Our analysis of the present can also describe and communicate the nature of the professional environment, the market, in which the company functions. Is our business concept still the accurate, relevant and competitive founding element of the company that it needs to be in relation to the particular environment we are involved in? What developments might have occurred in our clientele which are possibly making our assumptions of what we should sell to who and why, inaccurate and outdated?
Vision versus Goals
Our goals should represent and constitute a detailed break-down of the vision with regards to a relevant time perspective. If we accomplish our goals this year, have we advanced in our striving to realize the vision? If we extrapolate and imagine that we do indeed achieve the goals we set out to reach in the years leading to the accomplishment of the vision, where does that leave us? Will we cross the intended finishline or do we end up somewhere entirely different? Are there any parts of the vision which are not represented by specific goals, key figures or ratios intended to bring us closer to realizing it?
Strategy versus Plans of Action
The strategies basically indicate how we intend to actually reach our final destination, the fulfillment of the vision. The plan of action consists of detailed activities intended to alter and develop our business in ways which make the vision attainable. Are the courses of action consistent with and clearly corresponding to the framework of the strategy? For instance, if a project is concerned with establishing a shop in a new city, does that harmonize with the company´s expansion strategy?
Business Concept versus Business Processes
In the operative processes, all our daily, more detailed work occurs. In our salesprocesses, do we work on and handle the clientele we have intended to focused on in our business concept? Do we perform our services in accordance with how we set out to perform them in the business concept, with regards to what we want to sell and to whom?
Review from time to time
Just like you from time to time review your to-do-list and your referencematerial, go through and revise the overall structure of the analysis of the present, the business concept, the vision, the strategies, the goals, the plans of action, the processes and the results.
Do this every six months, perhaps even more frequent or not so frequently. Make sure the connections are there, that the parts harmonize into a single coherent context, and that sweet music emerges from your business.
What is your tip?
How do you make sure your organization makes progress in the direction you desire? E‑mail me at {encode=“” title=“”}, or comment below, and share your best tip. The topic of how excellent structure may bring us to our vision interests me a lot and I happily share my own and others’ experiences.