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08 Sep

How do we become more efficient in 2021?

Datum: 2011-09-08 20:38

High above the clouds I am work­ing on a talk I am to give at a con­fer­ence in a few weeks. 

I have been asked to speak of how my field, struc­ture & effi­cien­cy, will evolve and devel­op in the next ten years. There is a lot hap­pen­ing right now (to say the least) in terms of apps, clouds, shar­ing, like”-ing and increas­ing amounts of things to do, for each and every one of us. 

I can iden­ti­fy three strate­gies which I believe will be cru­cial to man­age this accel­er­at­ing tem­po in the years to come. In a week I will present them here on the blog, but first I am curi­ous to hear your per­spec­tive on the matter. 

What do you believe will hap­pen in the field of struc­ture and effi­cien­cy in the next ten years? What do you believe will char­ac­ter­ize the peo­ple who best suc­ceed in cre­at­ing smoother work­ing environments?

Please tell me in a com­ment below!