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24 Mar

How a lunch conversation created an improved work structure

Datum: 2010-03-24 17:03

One of my main sources of inspi­ra­tion is to read blogs. From my blogroll in Google Read­er, I get ideas for new tips on struc­ture, new ways to pack­age my ser­vices phys­i­cal­ly, for inno­v­a­tive ways to mar­ket my busi­ness.

One of the most well-writ­ten and well-run blogs I fol­low are copy­writer Mat­tias Åkerberg’s blog Please copy me”, about copy writ­ing. Few blog­gers high­lights as inter­est­ing aspects of adver­tis­ing as he, and in an elab­o­rate and inge­nious way.

One week ago I had the plea­sure of eat­ing lunch with Mat­tias and we talked about how best to allo­cate your time between projects, assign­ments and jobs. How do you plan a week so that you spend the right amount of time on the right tasks? How can you best get start­ed work­ing those days when what you do is pure­ly for your own sake, rather than on behalf of some­one else? What is an appro­pri­ate bal­ance between sched­ul­ing every hour and to be free?

On Mon­day, Mat­tias blogged about our meet­ing, what his con­clu­sions where and what he has put into prac­tice. Read the post on Please copy me here. (Trans­lat­ed auto­mat­i­cal­ly from Swedish via Google Translate.)

How do you do to make sure you spend the right amount of time on var­i­ous tasks?

Leave a com­ment below.