Create a bug-list for your workday
Datum: 2024-10-14 09:10

Winning back time by having good structure is one thing, but one result of having good structure which is just as valuable is the feeling that you work with ease, that things just run smoothly. It is the feeling you get when nothing stands in your way, when you have what you need at arm’s length, when you know the place something goes after it has been used, when you arrive where you need to be with a few minutes to spare, and when you can work undisturbed when you wish to do so — in other words, when everything just falls into place.
For you who prefer listening to reading, this post is also available as an episode of the “Done!” podcast:
Small but annoying
It is not necessarily the big and extensive refinements and changes that make the biggest difference in terms of creating a really smooth workflow, though. It often comes down to the smallest alteration, an adjustment of some kind of detail or ”bug”, if we put it in programming-terms.
If you are anything like me, the little bugs will slightly annoy and frustrate you. At the moment, I am bothered by some packaging bags that still have not got their proper place in my office, which means they keep falling to the floor and are in my way. I am also annoyed by a tracksuit I got (while working, if you can believe it!) but which in the wrong size and I, therefore, have to get rid of, and a new routine I have not implemented fully yet but still need to do every week (accompanied by moans and groans since it is far too complicated).
No big deals really, but frustrating and annoying.
The reason for the bug is reason to adjust
If you ask yourself what the cause or reason for the thing annoying you is, and then the cause of that cause, and so on, you will ultimately end up with some kind of original cause or reason. If you eliminate this, whatever it was that bothered you will be eliminated in the process as well. No more hassle, no more annoyance!
But if it is that easy, why do we have so many small but annoying things bothering us? It is usually not that the amending or adjusting of these “original causes” takes much time or is very difficult. It is just that we rarely get around to asking ourselves what is actually wrong, what the root cause of our problem is and then take the time to fix it when we have a lot of other things going on.
Get in control of the bugs
If you gradually make note of the bugs and hindrances you encounter in your everyday life on a list, you will soon have them all rounded up and easy to get an overview of. You can then consciously decide to deal with one every week, every other week or whenever you feel inspired to and want to feel that you have done something constructive and concrete to make your life a tad better.
Do this
If you want to make your life smoother and easier by getting rid of “bugs”, then
- Decide where and in what form you will keep your “bug-list”. It is a good idea to keep it somewhere that synchronizes with all the digital units you use since you then have access to it almost everywhere and it will be readily available the moment you think of something that needs fixing or improving. I keep my bug-list in the Notes-app on my phone which means it is available on my computer and iPad as well.
- Start your list off by writing down all the annoying little bugs you can spontaneously think of.
- Decide if you will deal with the items on the list on a regular and structured basis, or if you will pick things off it to fix at random.
- If you want to get rid of the small annoyances of life faster and more often, add a recurring task to one of the days of the week during which you take a look at the bug-list, select one of its problems and do something about it.
One bug at a time
If you gather all the small but annoying things you are bothered by in a single list, you will soon have quite the number of things you can improve upon. Instead of constantly being reminded that you should have done something about that frustrating and faulty thing, you can now have a look at the list and do a small but conscious effort to amend, correct or fix whatever has been bothering you and thus make your life and work a little smoother and more pleasant. Just imagine how great it will feel to not have that annoying thing annoying you anymore!
Any other tricks or tips?
What’s your way for getting rid of all these sources of irritation and annoyance? Have you found some other way to deal with them? If so, feel free to email me to share your thoughts.
(Do you know that you actually can measure how affected you are by everyday nuisances?)
Want more?
If you want more tips on how to create good structure at work, there are many ways to get that from me - in podcasts, videos, books, talks and other formats.