Achille Castiglioni's project wall
Datum: 2010-01-22 09:09

To keep and store reference material such as meeting notes, project documents, sketches, correspondence, printouts and other things so that they are easy to find when you need them, is a key factor in a good structure at work.
If we furthermore want the storage method to be aesthetically pleasing even as the material is readily available, it is a real challenge (but an enjoyable such).
A man that really succeeded in this is the late Italian designer Achille Castiglioni (1918−2002). He is the creator of, among other things, this chair and this lamp.
In his studio in Milan, he stored the material for all his projects in project folders on the shelves of an entire wall, floor to ceiling. Each project had its own folder and on the spine of the folder, the project number was printed. All historical project materials were always available, easily accessible and easily found in an, in my opinion, elegant way in harmony with the rest of the office.
Here is a picture from Wallpaper’s March 2006 edition.

Castiglionis studio is preserved as “Studio Museum Achille Castiglioni” in Milan. Open Tuesdays to Saturdays. Pre-booking of visits are recommended.
If you would be influenced by Castiglionis way to store his reference material, how would you store yours?
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