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25 Feb

Super Structured wins gold

Datum: 2018-02-25 21:40

While vaca­tion­ing on the shores of Swiss Lake Lucerne the week before last, I learned that my book Super Struc­tured: How to over­come chaos and win back time has been award­ed Gold Medal in the Busi­ness Ref­er­ence cat­e­go­ry in this year’s Axiom Busi­ness Book Awards.

(If I had brought a copy on my trip, me proud­ly cel­e­brat­ing these news would have looked some­thing like in the above picture.)

The Axiom Awards are pre­sent­ed by Jenk­ins Group, who every year since 2007 hon­or the year’s best busi­ness books in the North Amer­i­can mar­ket and their authors and pub­lish­ers through the award.

Among this year’s win­ners are also fel­low Swedish author Jonas Rid­der­stråle for his and Julian Birkinshaw’s Fast/​Forward: Make Your Com­pa­ny Fit for the Future (Stan­ford Busi­ness Books), Jef­frey Bussgang’s Enter­ing Star­tu­p­land: An Essen­tial Guide to Find­ing the Right Job (Har­vard Busi­ness Review Press), Anindya Ghose’s TAP: Unlock­ing the Mobile Econ­o­my (The MIT Press) and Sanyin Siang’s The Launch Book: Moti­va­tion­al Sto­ries to Launch Your Idea, Busi­ness or Next Career (LID Pub­lish­ing, just like me).

Ear­li­er recip­i­ents of the award are promi­nent authors such as Nan­cy Duarte, Chris Ander­son of TED, John P. Kot­ter, Mar­cus Buck­ing­ham, Peter Dia­man­dis, Tony Rob­bins, Guy Kawasa­ki and others.