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25 Mar

Is it possible to capture the essence of structure?

Datum: 2011-03-25 10:12

The oth­er day, I got a phone call from Mai-Li Ham­mar­gren, founder and CEO for lifestyle elec­tron­ics start­up Mute­watch.

In a near future, Mute­watch will release their styl­ish, inge­nous watch. I very much look for­ward to using its silent alarm.

Mai-Li asked me if I would like to write a cou­ple of short posts for their Timetank blog. The adjec­tive short” inspired me espe­cial­ly and I was intrigued by the idea of cap­tur­ing dif­fer­ent aspects of the essence of struc­ture in only a few sen­tences each.