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17 Feb

How to avoid being in a hurry, feeling scattered and being interrupted

Datum: 2019-02-17 21:38

In this first in a series of videos for 3minTalk​.com, I share five ideas about what you can do to make your work­days more pleas­ant and productive.

3minTalk​.com is a plat­form found­ed by Char­lotte Dun­hoff at Pro­file Agency where select­ed pro­files and influ­encers offer short inspi­ra­tional talks regard­ing any kind of topic.

And, I am hap­py to have been select­ed to share my thoughts on how (and why) to enhance struc­ture at work.

(As you will soon dis­cov­er, the video is in Swedish. But, we have added sub­ti­tles in Eng­lish, so con­sid­er this an excel­lent oppor­tu­ni­ty to make your­self even more famil­iar with the Swedish language.)